Corona or no corona: daily exercise habit is the only way to survival

Corona or no corona: daily exercise habit is the only way to survival


Corona and health

The contemporary world situation is plagued by Covid-19. The cries of helpless people are constantly floating in the newsfeed and TV news. Millions of lives have been lost, thousands of families have perished. But even today science has not succeeded in inventing the vaccine. So, there is no direct way to get rid of this pandemic scientifically. But even then we are human, we know how to fight for survival, and we will fight till the last breath. So it is important for all of us to have a good idea of ​how to keep ourselves healthy and strong in this satisfactory situation without vaccines.

The only way to keep fit is to focus on your fitness. Yes, that’s right you can now become known as a Lord of the Rings. This is the last hope because universities like Oxford and Cambridge are failing at the moment. According to all the international health organizations, the only way now is to increase their immunity. And the only way to keep your immune system healthy is to maintain your fitness. A study has found that the highest number of deaths in Italy is due to poor immunity, the most common reason being that the average age of people in Italy is over 50. So it is important to pay attention to our fitness. Fitness is not only physical but also mental fitness.

Physical Fitness –

Physical fitness is about maintaining physical fitness.
Physical fitness refers to your body’s ability to perform the activities of daily living. There is no doubt that if you do all the work with equal enthusiasm and skill from getting out of bed in the morning to going to bed at night, then you are physically fit. But in real life, most people are not able to maintain equal skills. The only reason is the lack of fitness.

Some of the reasons for lack of fitness-

1. The busy life of man from where there is almost no free time for himself.
2. Not following certain routines.
3. Luxury at eating habits.
4. Lack of sports.
5. Cigarettes, alcohol, and various drugs.

Things to do to maintain physical fitness-

 করোনার আবহে সুস্থ থাকুক শরীর ও মন ;দূর হোক সংক্রমণের সম্ভাবনা-  বং-TEC

1. You must practice 30 minutes of exercise a day. Go to the gym if you want, or start regular exercise at home or in groups with a few friends. Do 5-6 days a week and rest one day. For your own convenience, one-day arms, one-day legs, one-day abs, one-day shoulders, you can create your routine in this way. If you like yoga exercises, do so. The real goal is to move the body. If you have any physical ailments such as bone problems or heart disease, be sure to consult your doctor before exercising.

 করোনার আবহে সুস্থ থাকুক শরীর ও মন ;দূর হোক সংক্রমণের সম্ভাবনা-  বং-TEC

2. We do enough irregularities in eating and drinking. So it is important to follow proper eating habits. Add enough vitamin and protein-rich foods to your diet. Make it a habit to eat plenty of vegetables, at least one fruit a day. Eat little by little. Eat at least 6 meals a day. Avoid oily foods, excess salt, excessive amounts of fish, meat, and eggs. Eat delicious food on top of delicious.

 করোনার আবহে সুস্থ থাকুক শরীর ও মন ;দূর হোক সংক্রমণের সম্ভাবনা-  বং-TEC

3. Drink enough water during the day. Must eat at least 4 liters of water.

4. Practice getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep. The better the sleep, the more refreshed the body will become.

5. Quit smoking and alcohol now. Smoking weakens your lungs, and in Corona, the lungs are the first to be affected. Also smoking damages your hair, skin, throat everything so quit smoking. At least reduce it. Consult a doctor if necessary.

6. Avoid heavy workouts if you have heart problems. In that case, look at cardio exercise. Which will keep your lungs and heart-healthy? This type of exercise is also important to maintain blood circulation and body temperature balance.

Also at the moment, countless people around the world are suffering from diabetes. India has the second-highest number of diabetics in the world. One out of every 6 diabetics in the world is an Indian. Once diabetes happens, it is more likely to get growing, you have to carry it for the rest of your life. So the only way to survive this disease is to maintain physical fitness through physical exercise and healthy eating habits.

Mental Fitness –

Mental fitness is about being mentally vibrant and lively. Having peace of mind that will help you make the right decisions in difficult situations and the right direction in critical situations. Mental health is very important in a crisis like Corona.

Reasons for lack of mental fitness –

1. Sudden loss of a loved one (death of a loved one, failure in a career, break up, a victim of a crisis, etc.)
2. Lack of friends, loneliness.
3. Not being social.
4. Overthinking.

What to do to maintain mental health –

1. If you get hurt with something. But do not hold back, share with loved ones. If this is not possible with your parents, talk to a trusted friend about these issues. That will listen to your mind.

2. Can’t forget the past. But think of the present to get less trouble. If you do well now, you will get results in the future.

3. Do not listen to different types of people. Seek advice from those who love you.

4. Develop new habits that you enjoy doing.

5. Maintain a diet and eat your favorite foods, which will make your mind feel better.

6. Always remember that there are ups and downs in life so you will not be in this situation for the rest of your life. Light will come after darkness.

7. It is also important to exercise regularly to maintain mental health. Daily exercise helps in the release of stress relief hormones like dopamine and serotonin which are essential for our mental health.

So as long as there is no way to get sure relief from corona scientifically, it is important to be physically and mentally fit to survive. Not only that, if you are physically fit, but your chances of getting blood sugar, blood pressure, aging-related diseases will also decrease. And if we maintain mental and physical fitness, our life will be more lively.


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