Is it safe to share every moment with social media!

Social media is now a very popular platform. As the use of smartphones has increased, so has the popularity of social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are the most used social media. Today we have not come to sing their praises, today we want to make you aware of how they are stabbing us from behind. Let’s find out –

What we do wrong-

First of all, after installing these apps, we register without checking any PRIVACY POLICIES.

Second, we regularly share photos, see comments on our own photos, likes, comment on other people’s photos.

Not only that, while registering, we don’t even think twice to share our date of birth, school, college, our interest, and even place of birth. Many more things.

Imagine for a second single app just help you to connect with your friend from the opposite position of you around the globe. It’s all just free. That is not relevant in this world.

What you don’t know is that nothing is free. You see, they make you think it is free, but apparently, they are taking advantage of your valuable information by sharing it with some research, data storage, and product selling companies, which you will never know.

Is it safe to share every moment with social media

To put it better, a few days ago, some researchers at Cambridge University said that Facebook sells the data of 90 percent of its users. Not only that, nowhere in Facebook’s privacy policy says they will secure all our data.

So think about how we are sharing our own information day after day. It may not have a huge effect on you as a teacher or a student but it can be dangerous for you if you are a businessman or a data protection based government employee or a private employee.

But the thing is, we can’t change the privacy policies of these companies, we can’t even keep ourselves from using them. But if we want, we can take some precautions that will save us from danger.

What we have to do –

1. Social media passwords need to be changed regularly. Do not use any of your own information in the password. Sometimes you have to set your own questions and answers to change the password later. Never set the correct answer on those. Always set an irrelevant password.

2. When not in use, try logging out.

3. Regularly check the permissions of the apps. Give permission before use if necessary. Cancel the permission (CANCEL) when you don’t use it.

4. After installation, give minimum information possible during registration.

5. Refrain from sharing photos and information about all your moments.

6. Do not use phone numbers to register on social media. Use email. Use an email that you do not use in your important purpose. Make a different email instead.

I think those will help you. Be careful about the internet. The Internet is just like a person it has good sides and it has bad sides too.


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